Donna Berry, Coach
Donna Berry, Coach



Coaching is confusingly named because so many people think of athletic coaching and think life coaching is about telling you what to do. Athletic coaching is like that. But coaching credentialled by the International Coach Federation is completely different. It is about talking with someone who is listening deeply to you. It is about being with someone who is always on your side. It is about having a person hear you knowing that in your heart of hearts you have ideas and desires to create what is next. The challenge is to move the obstacles from your path which gives you all kinds of possibilities for what is next.


Coaching is helpful to move forward easily in your job, projects, and relationships. Do you have a new job? Are you

stuck and going round and round in a relationship? Were you eager to take on this project and now not sure where to start?

Would you like someone to talk to who will fully listen?


Coaching is confidential. Nothing you say will be shared anywhere. You are the expert and we will discuss what you define as your overall goal and individual session topics.


Donna will be your companion, asking you questions that clarify the situation, bringing you back to what you have actually said, but it went by so fast you missed it. You will gain confidence that you can do what you plan to do. You will be clearer about your plan and also about what is really stressing you or holding you up in forward motion.


Donna is also trained and certified in spiritual direction which is another endeavor altogether and will not be part of her activities as a coach.

Spiritual Companionship

Spiritual Direction/spiritual companionship is an age old practice of talking to someone about your faith and about where you are in that relationship with God. You could be new to faith in God and want to discuss what challenges you or what you are thankful for. You could be a  person of faith who is not new to this relationship who wants to share where you are right now.

Confidentiality is always kept and no one will know what you share.

This will include prayer done by Donna or by you as you choose. This might include Bible references.

Would coaching be right for you?

Does this idea of coaching on any topic in your life sound interesting? Inviting?

If so the first session is always complementary and free because it is so important that you get your questions answered and that you see if we could work together. See the information below about contacting me.



Contact me at or 505-604-4487 - please leave a message with your full name and your request. I will return the call and set up an appointment with you.

Would Spiritual Companionship be right for you?

If you would like to discuss your faith and spirituality, contact me. The first session would again be free.

I have completed Basic Theological Studies at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City. I am actively supported by four other spiritual directors of multiple denominations. I became credentialed by the United Methodist Church in 2014. You will be in good hands. Contact me.

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